BID Steering Group Meeting notes and actions Sept 4 2018
Tuesday 4 September, Premier Travel @5.30pm
Voting attendees: Jim Brewin, Ian Hudson, Shara Vickers, Gary Hyams, Lucy Clarke, Claire Hunnable,
Non-voting: Simon Jackson, Fiona Bates, Louise Scutt-Richter
Apologies: Julie Redfern, Greg Smith, Craige Quantin, Richard Booth, Nicola Brook
- Welcome
- BID Co set up
- Articles of association (draft for discussion attached)
Discussion of draft AoA and Directors Duties docs that were distributed in advance were approved by all present. Initial draft by BID team had been reviewed by lawyer at Pellys who then drew up the draft circulated. No changes were requested. There was short discussion around liability and risk of taking up a director’s role. Team will ensure relevant insurance cover will be bought, terms of reference to be in place and due diligence on financial decisions will be followed. Agreed the need to ensure financial expertise in place to support. Noting Jim said thanks to Ian H, Gary H and Louise S-R for progressing. Action: Ian has agreed to see through the incorporation process of SWBID Co
- Board appointments
AoA ask for min of 5 named directors and maximum 10. All voting members at the meeting were asked to confirm by COP Friday 7 Sept (Extended to Wed 12 Sept) whether or not they’d be willing to be a named director. So far, confirmation to take up role; Jim Brewin, Ian Hudson, Gary Hymers. TBC; Craige Quantin, Shara Vickers, Claire Hunnable, Julie Redfern and Lucy Clarke, Greg S. No from; Richard B, Nicola B. Action – all named above to please confirm by Wed 12 September
Simon J said that Howard Ryles would like to be a named director based on UDC having 3 hereditaments in the BID zone. It was pointed out that this is subject to the time commitment currently at a min of 6 board meetings. Jim B highlighted that including this role on the Board also demonstrates the collaborative nature of BIDs, and is the setup we want for SW BID. This detail TBC in the ToRs of the Board. Action: Simon to confirm HR commitment
NOTE: Input from Gary Reeves (worked with the Gov’t from the set up of BIDs in the UK in the early 2000’s) outlined the fact it is important that the Board Members are clear of who / which entity they are representing and act accordingly. In the case of a person who is both a local trader and Councillor they should choose which hat they are wearing ‘so to speak’. If on behalf of a levy paying hereditament then a Director role may well be appropriate but if a Councillor role then Observer would be better. A Council building maybe a levy payer in which case a Director role is appropriate but the individual should contribute on the basis of this holding and the BID overall rather than potentially general LA policy issues – otherwise often conflict of interest issues arise.
- Board Terms of Reference
As above, it was agreed this is a necessary component and will be drafted and circulated in due course. Action: Louise S-R and Ian H
- Recruiting BID manager role
It was noted there is a need to make sure this process is transparent but the Board will decide what is required of this role based on forthcoming three/four months. Agreed to keep existing arrangements in place (LSR in role) given experience to date and the urgent need to deliver on projects till the end of the year. Agreed in January 2019 would kick off the process to; review role requirements, write job description and set up process with 2 directors and the chair for recruitment by March. Acknowledged the limited budget available and it’s most likely to be a part-time role eg 24hrs pw.
- Premises
Noted that three options had been looked into; Town Hall offices upstairs, office in 9 Market row and also 16 Market Row. It was agreed to include a section in the next Mailchimp email asking all the businesses if they had any availability in their premises. Action: LSR to include in next comms
- First 100 days activity plan
Lengthy discussion about the list of ideas for delivery in the run up to December and for Christmas. See attached updated doc for notes and actions. Overall Action: LSR to get input from a couple BID Board to identify priorities. JB / IH will give a point of view
- Establishment Phase budget
Simon shared budget schedule attached. Noted that levy payments will start to come in through September.
- Accessibility
Gary H and Jim B had discussed the need to include elements in the plan to make the town more accessible for people with disabilities. GH has some ideas to explore eg, technology to help change the traffic lights at the pedestrian crossings in town. It was agreed it was a good idea to investigate ideas and options, test feasibility, and residents/visitor requirements. Action: GH to send LSR links to video etc and all to consider approach for the BID to include in the planned activity.
- Next meeting and AOB
2 October at Premier Travel. Lucy offered A-board to be placed outside advertising the fact of the meeting with an appropriate poster. Action: LSR to investigate.