BID Board Meeting Notes and Actions October 2nd 2018

Tuesday 2 October, Premier Travel @5.30pm

Attendees: Jim Brewin, Gary Hyams, Ian Hudson, Shara Vickers, Lucy Clarke, Claire Hunnable, Richard Booth, Craige Quantin, Paul Fairhurst, Julie Redfern, Nicola Brooks, (Non-voting)  Cllr Barbara Light, Simon Jackson, Fiona Tait, Louise Scutt-Richter

Apologies:, Harriet Ferns Lay, Howard Ryles, Greg Smith

  • Welcome/intros
  • Approve Notes & Actions from last meeting – Approved
  • Update on:
    • BID co set up (IH) – this is in progress and the BID Co application is at Companies House with three directors named initially and the rest to follow once the company is registered.
    • Levy collection and meeting with UDC (LSR/JB)
      • There have been discussions with UCD including the Rates team to iron out the process for responding to questions and follow up on non-payment.  BID representatives at these meetings are Jim B, Ian H and Louise S-R.  As a result, we have come to an agreement for a ‘set of rules’ to govern decision making to remove ambiguity.  In addition, we have discussed the additional charges UDC propose making for enforcement and amending the Operating Agreement currently in draft and will circulate the outcome.
    • Feedback from open meetings and Members (LSR)
      • Generally positive feedback and conversations in both Open Meetings held on Sept 12 and Sept 27.  Sept 12 notes have been circulated. At Sept 27 meet, members suggested ideas for future events including; holding a Saffron Festival, a Traditional Christmas market using our heritage/history, promoting our events linking with Duxford (a popular local tourist destination drawing visitors), have an ongoing calendar of events, better links for businesses with local events eg the Maze Festival and look into better signage for businesses in town.
  • Christmas planning – events/activity proposed (LSR/FB)
    • See attached detailed doc
      • We went through each option in detail.  The Board was asked to decide on each one whether it should be investigated further with the aim to deliver these for Christmas.
      • The budget has been estimated based on where we have ascertained the cash cost and some were allocated the best estimate.
      • In Summary:
        • There was consensus that the BID run with Lodges Buses for 5 Saturdays from Nov 24 to Dec 22 between Audley End Village and the town centre.  The exact drop off in town is TBD based on further discussions with ECC, NEPP and UDC.
        • The trade driver would be based on a minimum £5 spend (one transaction) in independent businesses with a weekly prize draw of £100 voucher to spend with any participating independent businesses dated between November 26 2018 to Feb 28 2019.
        • The board agreed there needed to be an activity for children and something ‘new’ for the town.  It was agreed that the team will investigate further the possibility to run a Fairy/Elf Competition for SW school children and trail around the town with exclusive prizes from AEMR and AEH. The detail and costs are to be finalised. It was expressed that the BID needs to deliver a few things really well to show the benefit of the work of the BID. Following further investigation after the Board meeting it is now recommended that the BID team revise this activity as it is considered there is not enough time to engage with the local schools with the time we have left before Christmas but to consider some similar activity that will engage with children.  FB & LSR are working on an alternative, namely; Elf & Fairy Hunt.  See attached for detail.
        • It was agreed to pursue the ‘Elfie Selfie’ Competition idea to encourage visitors and residents to visit the shops.
        • Investigate advertising with Anglia rail/routes from London

ACTION: LSR/FB to develop these ideas and feed back to the Board on progress and costs


  • Office space proposals – Office share in Market Row, Town Hall (2nd floor) and Row House 1st floor (LSR)
      • On the basis that the BID is not yet entirely clear on what is needed for a BID office, on request to say which one, LSR recommended the lowest cost option of the shared office space in Market Row be taken up and this was agreed to.  Board meetings to continue to take place at Premier Travel.
  • Budget
    • Spend to date (SJ)
      • No change
    • Proposal for Asst from Gary Reeves (see attached doc)
      • LSR was asked to find out if £1200 was a fixed fee or could be spent based on hours used.  It was mentioned that the final decision had to be made at the next BID Board meeting because the BID Co has not been set up.  However, following the meeting, it was noted by the Chairman, Ian H and LSR that the assistance was needed now to help us navigate the Establishment Phase of the SW BID.  There is budget remaining for this from UDC and doesn’t need to come out of the Levy.  LSR asked Gary Reeves if it is possible to invoice by hours used and he has agreed. Therefore LSR requests this is agreed formally as soon as possible with Gary Reeves so this assistance with the Establishment Phase can start ASAP.
  • Future meetings
    • The next Board meeting will be November 6 at 5.30.
    • It was noted that the monthly Open Meetings (on the last Thursday) are still valuable to keep running.  SG was asked to note the time and attend if possible. Following this meeting, Jim B and LSR discussed practicalities of the next one (Oct 25 in Half Term week) and suggested moving it to Thursday,  Nov 1 @8am  and at 5pm to be held in the Waitrose Café.
  • AOB
    • The BID has been invited to join a round table on Oct 12 hosted by Kemi Badenoch to bring together local police, press, businesses affected by burglaries & ram raids, and Uttlesford’s Community Safety Partnership. The purpose would be to discuss crime prevention. Shara Vickers mentioned she’d been asked to the previous meeting and would go again.  It was noted that the Town Council needed to be present.
    • ACTION : SV will attend and ask KB’s office to invite the Town Council rep