Chancellor’s Announcement

We are really glad to hear the Chancellor’s announcement in the Budget yesterday to help small businesses by cutting business rates by a third for all retailers in England with a rateable value of £51,000 or less. That will mean an annual saving on rates bills for up to 90% of all independent shops, pubs, restaurants and cafes in 2019/20 and 2020/21. This should be good news for a high proportion of the independent businesses in our town. The BID levy payments stay the same for businesses in the BID area and will be spent on activities that specifically benefit our town as per the Business Plan.

As mentioned we have arranged two Open Meetings this Thursday at 8am and 5.15 pm in the Waitrose Cafe. We will be outlining the details for our Christmas activities planned to launch on Saturday Nov 24; as well as other Christmas events organised by the Town Council, the SWI and others. We really hope you can make one of these times to get information and share your ideas.

Finally, the Mayor is asking for a team of six people from local businesses to join the Mayor’s Charity Quiz Championship on Saturday 17 November at 7pm. Please email here to get more details.

Jim Brewin and the SW BID Steering Group