BID Board March 2019

Date: Tuesday 5 March @5.30pm
Venue: Premier Travel, Hill Street

Chair: Jim Brewin

Directors attending: Jim Brewin, Julie Redfern, Ian Hudson, Lucy Clarke, Claire Hunnable, Craige Quantin,

Non-director attendees: Louise Scutt-Richter, Simon Jackson, Fiona Tait, Cllr Barbara White

Apologies: Cllr Howard Ryles, Shara Vickers, Gary Hyams

  Item Lead
1 Welcome and minutes sign off (BP sent after last meeting) JB
  Attendees acknowledged receipt and that further discussion of the business plan was necessary  
2 Finance/business update IH
  IH confirmed all directors and been registered.  The bank mandate had been signed by two additional directors.  The cashflow doc would be shared on dropbox with the directors when the strategy was signed off. It was agreed that directors’ appointments would be announced in April.  LSR to write the press release  





3 Levy update next steps for non-payers IH/JB
  95% has been collected, UDC had set a court date for summons for the remaining non-paid for April 5 2019 and notification will be sent w/c March 4. UDC to keep BID team up to date  




4 Business plan discussion/sign off LSR
  Extensive discussion on the daft business plan circulated in advance. The output of which will be reflected in the next version of the document and not detailed here.  Suffice to say key points discussed and to be integrated are;

  • Clarity on target audience and the message linking the context of the plan with the who, what and why.
  • Find ways to access the wider audience (outside SW) to whom we are marketing the town
  • Identify buyer behaviour and the ‘why I should shop local’
  • Interrogate the Experian data available
  • Consider running focus groups to finetune the messaging
  • Linking businesses with the Market /traders/co-promoting
  • Investigate the possibility of a BID-sponsored market stall for businesses to have a pop-up presence in the market on a rota
  • Find out who the key influencers/ local contacts and people who are motivated by community action
  • Look into Huntingdon BID SM ‘Engagement Tribe’ , contact Ian Sanderson (Cambd BID who is keen to meet and help)
















LSR to integrate

5 Consideration of paid Comms support LSR/SV
  Postponed discussion  
6 Saffron Hall (possible collaboration/approach to BID membership LSR
  Approach/request from SH to collaborate with BID to involve cafes/restaurants for pre/post concerts.  The Board agreed it would be a good idea to investigate. LSR to follow up
7 AOB and confirmation next meeting April 2 2019  
  SJ mentioned that UDC have been asked to submit a proposal for funding from the Gov’t ‘Future of the High St’ and would send the BID team doc for input.  Submission date is March 22 SJ/JB to action