BID Board Meeting July 2019

Date: Monday 29 July @5.30pm
Venue: Premier Travel Hill Street

Attendees (directors): Jim Brewin (dial in) Lucy Clarke, James Devries, Craige Quantin, Ian Hudson (chair), Gary Hyams, Julie Redfern, Shara Vickers

Declined: Claire Hunnable, Louise S-R


Item Action
1 Welcome, introduce James Devries, minutes sign off IH
  Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed with no matters arising  
2 Finance/business update IH
    • IH confirmed current bank balance is £38,890.21 with £9,278.25 to be received from UDC in due course.  IH confirmed that whilst further invoices are expected before the end of the year (e.g. Ray Sadri), the current unallocated bank balance would be around £40,000.  It was agreed that the balance should be spent more freely although not spent for its own sake, but on carefully considered items such as website development and further input from Ray Sadri.
    • IH advised that UDC have 4 levy payments outstanding with summons issued in all 4 cases (IH to distribute list).
3 Prep for Sept 1 – 2nd year Levy bills  
  Next year’s levy invoices were due to be issued in last week of August (dated 1 September).  IH to circulate 1st draft SWBID input by 9 August ready for UDC deadline of 23 August. IH/LSR


4 July Activity Update and plans for August  
  JB outlined July activity and plans for August.  JB confirmed that LSR would issue a more comprehensive update by email. LSR
5 Membership – next steps for more registrations and Group C members Ie AEMR & SS/SH



  It was agreed that Saffron Screen and Audley End Miniature Railway would be invited to become class C BID members at a trial cost of £1.  Initially this would allow access to BID monthly updates and put working together on a more formal basis.  It should be made clear to both organisations (LSR to action) that this annual fee would be negotiated at the beginning of every year to reflect the value added by membership of SWBID. LSR
6 AOB  
  1. It was agreed that SWBID should publicly thank Wendy Howell for the work on the “Shop Local” FaceBook page.  The SWBID’s control of this site should be reviewed at the end of the SWBID term.
  2. It was agreed that production of “I Love SW” bags would not be in competition with Design Essentials as SWBID bags would be not be of the same quality.  JR to discuss.
  3. MiPermit and parking was discussed.  LSR to email JD outlining progress to date.  JD to progress the possibility of UDC or Parking Partnership making a contribution to SWBIDs MiPermit promotion.
  4. It was agreed that JD, CQ, LSR, SV would meet and develop a more formal marketing strategy
  5. CQ agreed to provide Ray Sadri with a video template to enable shop videos to be branded SWBID.
  6. SV confirmed that a number of meetings (LSR and Fiona had also been present) had taken place to improve TICs website.
  7. It was agreed that IH and SV would work on WhatsApp rules and these should be regularly posted on both groups.  SV agreed to act as moderator providing all directors monitored transgressions and reported them to her.
  8. All agreed that the Ray Sadri videos are proving very popular.  LSR to examine whether there is a bias towards new businesses in SW and ensure that all businesses are invited to put their names forward (with suitable caveat that SWBID does not have the funds to do all businesses)