Local businesses in the Business Improvement District (BID) area of Saffron Walden town centre voted in favour of continuing to fund a BID for the town for the next five years.

Over 250 local businesses were asked to vote on whether to pay a levy of 1.5% on top of their rateable value to fund the BID for a second term. The BID is a local, democratically elected, not-for-profit limited company formed in 2018. It exists to help all the town’s businesses thrive and prosper.

It is business funded and business led and enables businesses and organisations to have a genuine voice and to decide and direct what they want for Saffron Walden.

The result, announced to the businesses on Friday  30th June last week showed that 60% of those who cast their vote voted in favour of continuing the BID.

Please click the link below to see the result.

Shara Vickers Chair of the BID said: “This is positive news for the town and its business community. BIDS work to provide support to local businesses and are a driving force in promoting them and what our town has to offer to both residents and visitors. The majority of businesses in SW voted “yes” to continue with a BID as they recognise the importance that a BID plays in ensuring that the town remains prosperous and thriving.

The current BID board and team are very much looking forward to working with all members over the new term and are keen to drive forward new initiatives and programmes outlined in our business plan.”

Shara continues: “Over the summer, The BID will be running a summer trail to generate footfall into the town centre and will be working in partnership with the town council on some summer events. This week the BID has helped facilitate free social media training sessions for local businesses with the district council. As we head towards the new term, starting in November, the BID will be developing its annual plan and would very much like to hear from members who would like to get more involved and become directors. The team would also welcome suggestions and assistance in delivering future projects.”